Scripting | & the Importance Behind it for any Video Production

Script (n.):

the manuscript or one of various copies of the written text of a play, motion picture, or radio or television broadcast.               (


One of the most important elements to creating an engaging video is writing the script.  To start, think about what the message is that you are trying to say in your video. 

Scripting is key for organization for all roles within the film-making process .  It will save time and money and ensure a smooth process in planning, shooting, and editing your video.  A script is a sure way to compact all the vital information you want for your branding message; Relying solely on candid thoughts is a gamble and it might not coincide with the message you truly want.

Helpful tips to create when preparing your script:

  1. Keep it Simple: Don't overload your video with excess information.  Introduce the problem, your solution, how it works, and a call to action-- all things your brand can promise.
  2. Benefits: Talk about the benefit a consumer/patient/viewer can receive from your brand in a concise way.  Quicker, more defined thoughts and statements stick with the viewer better than lengthy explanations.
  3. Representation:  Make sure when preparing the script, you keep in mind the talent-- is this a voiceover? who are the actors that will appear on screen? etc.  It is important to think about who (on or off screen) is representing your brand.  It's equally important to have the right voice for video as it is to have them saying quality information-- you want a professional, polished delivery. 

A creative brief can help outline the important parts before delving into writing the script.

  1. What is the elevator pitch for your product/service/brand?  
  2. Who is the targeted audience?  
  3. What are the specific problems?  
  4. What are the main benefits that your brand offers as a solution?  
  5. How does your product/service/brand work?  
  6. What's the tone of the video?  
  7. Do you have any specific ideas or requests for the visual style?
  8. What is the call to action or contact information that can guide the viewer at the end?


These tips will help a smoother script-writing process, and therefore a smoother creative process for your video.  Don't be afraid to get creative, while maintaining a professional message.  Good luck and get scripting!