Healthcare Savvy:

You have to be savvy to bring sensitive medical stories to life.  We specialize in telling compelling stories about patients, caregivers, groundbreaking techniques and advanced technologies.  We have worked with some of the most distinguished names in the region including Penn Medicine, Wills Eye, Lankenau Medical Center and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.  If you have a healthcare story to tell, get Savvy!

NICU Story

Spine Institute of North America :30 Spot | Doug’s Testimonial

Shore Medical Center: Passion          

50th Anniversary of Glaucoma Service at Wills Eye Hospital featuring founder George L. Spaeth, MD. 

Lankenau : Tomorrow                   

The Becker Family Story: Patient Experience at the Chester County Hospital NICU

Shore Surgical Pavilion Tour

Spine Institute: Carol Campbell

Penn Medicine | Chester County Hospital Dr. Kurt Shillinger

Chester County Hospital : Tower 4 Tour

DePuy Synthes "Patient Specific" Products Explainer